4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2018 Edition
My tour of Vietnam was with 105th Field Battery of 1st Field Regiment but since there is no 1st Association, there are a whole bunch of blokes who are unable to enjoy those times of hearty camaraderie again. Whilst the Regular soldiers of a Headquarters Battery in Vietnam may have served with gun batteries at other times and can join their associations, the National Serviceman who only ever served in a Headquarters Battery is left rudderless. Therefore, I congratulate you on doggedly continuing with the Newsletter and keeping the Headquarters Battery people of the 4th in contact, particularly the National Servicemen. The aka title of 4th Field Regiment Old Boys is also a very positive step to harvest interest from those who have served in the 4th at any time. I, for example, never served with the unit until appointed its commanding officer but am proud to be considered a member of the unit Old Boys. There are many blokes whom I know contribute and this keeps me up to date with them. In short, cobber, you are doing a darn good job and I would encourage readers who have never contributed to the Newsletter to consider even a couple of sentences about what they have been doing in life or tell of a humorous incident from service. It is your contribution which will evoke memories in others and they will then comment and so the strength of the Newsletter increases - along with the interest. Please help keep this worthy endeavour of Peter Bruce alive as a continuing basis for service comradeship. Arthur Burke Thank you, Arthur, for your support and encouragement. Every time I receive a copy of “Tiger Rag”, I think what a wonderful publication it is and does so much to keep the 105 Battery members in touch. Many of our readers will recall that at one stage we were asked to consider opening our association to all those who served in 4 th Field Regiment and the now 4 th Regiment however our membership decided to keep it as just an association for members of the regiment who served in either of the two tours of Vietnam. We do have some ‘honorary’ members including yourself who have played such an active role with the regiment as well as a couple of others. I await with interest any comments on your thoughts. I had a phone call from Don Quinn on the 29 th of July. Don was telling me he has a few mobility and eyesight issues these days and was unable to get to Canberra for the funeral of George Salmon’s wife Tess. It was great to hear from Don and he asked to be remembered to all.George was very appreciative of the messages of support we forwarded to him and by all reports, Tess’s funeral was a memorable send off. From Graeme Leonard (19 August) Hi Pete, I think I should come to one of these re-unions and fly them and take photo's with my RPA. (Remote Piloted Aircraft) I am of course CASA qualified, my license is attached, and a couple of my U Tube videos are attached. 4 Regt RAA have asked me to fly the family day at High Range plus video the guns firing and also go the the "pointy" end where the rounds land. Unfortunately, because of money they have had to move the date to early next year. Please find attached a couple of my U Tube videos of golf course I have flown. One is of "Half Moon Bay" Cairns, the other Tully Golf Club which I have translated the into Italian as well. I trust you enjoy. Regards Gonzo 007. https://youtu.be/zL3wZgxtrcM https://youtu.be/XStx3G4WIQw The subject of what we as an Old Boys Association can do for the younger members of 4 th Regiment gets raised occasionally and one proposal was that we could perhaps act as a form of mentor to younger members of 4 th Regiment who take discharge and live in your local area. Apparently the first year or two out of the Army is quite challenging for diggers who perhaps enlisted when they were in their late teens. There are quite a few aspects of this that would need refining but as a general question, would you be prepared to give your contact details to 4 th Regiment to be passed on to a digger who, after discharge, lives in your area? It may mean just a chat over coffee or be more involved. Appreciate any thoughts you may have.
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