4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - April 2019 Edition
4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER NO 36 – APRIL 2019 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317. From Keith Hall via email on 1 Feb 2019 Peter, I attended Arthur’s funeral (Arthur Burke Ex CO 4 Field Regiment), it was a well attended, simple but dignified service as you would expect in a beautiful Anglican Church in the middle of Brisbane. Followed by a wake in the City Hall that Arthur must have organised beforehand. The food, wine and beer flowed among the large number of people who attended the funeral. It was an incredible reunion, I saw people I have not seen for years. But even more important I caught up with Sydney Ronald Farrow so my day was made, he looked well. Have not seen Brian Swift for a while but call in on him when we go up the coast, following his emails all looks well. I am delighted David Anderson has assumed the role of Patron, he will do it well. I hope to go with him and other friends out to Music in the Mulga on Wondilla Station in May. A great Festival and I can wear my RM Williams!!!!It is a long flog, 800 ks, but well worth it. My best wishes to you and Susie, Keith Paddy Durnford, OAM. President, RAA Association North Queensland sent me details of the awards presented to the most outstanding soldiers (in 4 Regiment) in 2018. Awards included: • The Best Soldier, • The Best Junior NCO, and • The Best Junior Officer. The best soldier was a female Private from Ordnance Corp who also took out best soldier in 108 Battery along with a 3 Brigade Sports Award. She received a small cannon mounted on a plaque along with three books including ‘The History of the 3 rd Brigade’. Best Junior NCO received a mounted NCO’s cane and a copy of Rounds Complete and two other books. The best junior officer received a large cannon mounted on a plaque, a copy of Rounds Complete and two other books. We (4 th Field Regiment (SVN) Old Boys) presented copies of the book ‘Rounds Complete’. I hope to have details of the 2019 presentations so that we may try and get one of our old boys to attend. From Alex Pavlovich on 7 Feb. G'day Peter !! Thanks for the information from Paddy Durnford, reference the floods at Townsville, scary situation, can't remember so serve floods on our posting, Cyclones yes. Enjoy your E-mails from the 4 Fd Regt RAA Old. Boys Ass. - please keep sending them. As you read, I am still breathing, put a few extra kilos on, but I suppose as one grows older ( 71yrs ) that's what happens. Mum, Dad, and Brother have all passed away, still living at Lemon Tree Passage, playing lawn bowls and going overseas at least twice a year until I get sick and tired of going through - security - customs - immigration, and hurry up and wait in lines for boarding passes etc. Going to South Africa - Zimbabwe - Botswana - Kenya in
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