4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2019 Edition
4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER NO 35 – FEBRUARY 2019 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317. Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Susie and I had a reasonably quite Festive Season. My son Darren came down from Brisbane and daughter Belinda fitted us in for a couple of days between her other social engagements. Was great to have them both here. Darren and I explored the upper reaches of the MacLeay River to its junction with the Georges River. Great camping spots but very hot and believe it or not, we weren’t the only ones who thought of camping by the river. We had Christmas day with local family and enjoyed watching the two-year-old twin boys rip into anything that had Xmas paper on it. A great day. It was great to see the Christmas messages being passed around. Very few write cards and post these days and I think it is a great way of keeping in touch with those we don’t see all that often. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this subject. David Anderson has agreed to become our Patron. David was one of, if not the main instigator, of our Old Boys Association. It was at a get together at the School of Artillery Sergeants’ Mess back in the late ‘80s. David has always supported our activities and his presence adds a touch of dignity to our very informal association. Welcome David and sincere thanks for taking on our Patron role. From David Anderson F irst of all, I want to express my thanks to those who invited me to put my hand up for the position of Patron of 4 Field Regiment Old Boys Association. Don Donkin, our inaugural Patron, will be a very hard act to follow, however, I will do my level best to live up to his high standards. Time has passed by far too quickly and it only seems a few years ago that some of us landed in Mascot in the middle of the night from Tan Son Nhut after completing our tour of Vietnam. Some have fared better than others since that time and it’s important that we give thought to those who have suffered in some way or another as a consequence of their involvement - and, of course, to those who have since passed on. Our Association is unique as it is the glue that keeps 4 Field Regiment veterans (Old Boys) together. We all have the ability to provide one another with support that not many others can offer - our military service was a shared experience which is unique. As we age, that bond will become even more important to every one of us. So I encourage everyone to look out for their mates as we become a little crankier, less active, possibly begin to forget things and generally need help - but are reluctant to ask for it. To that end, I want to express my deep thanks, on behalf of everyone, for the extraordinary work that Peter Bruce has been doing for more years than I care to remember. The best way of thanking him for his efforts is to become (more) involved in supporting 4 Field Regiment Old Boys in delivering help to those who are finding it more difficult to cope. We can also have a lot of fun together along the way! Wherever possible, I encourage you to invite other eligible veterans to join us.
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