4 Fd Regt (SVN) Old Boys Newsletter - March 2020 Edition

Bob Brumn sent me the photo below. Special prize for the first person to ID the four in the centre of the photo! PJ Smith, you are excluded as is Bob and Schultze. If you get the names right, where was the photo taken? Possible Reunions Well, obviously ANZAC Day is out but we will remember them. August 2020 is not out of the question at this stage and if possible (Covid-19 permitting) we will organise something at Laurieton. Details when we get a bit closer and know what we can and can’t do. Option 2 as recommended by Andrew Murry is a possible get together to commemorate RTA of second tour Old Boys in Feb/Mar 1971. His proposal is a function (or functions) in Sydney around ANZAC Day 2021. Not out of the question at all and perhaps we could look at something that could include Manly/North Head, and ANZAC Day either there or in Sydney. Let’s keep it on the books and see what develops. Well, that’s all folks. Please try and reach out to any of our old boys who may not use emails and pass this on. Always happy to add new email address to our listing. Many thanks to those who have sent messages over the last month or so – much appreciated. Don’t forget to make sure mates are all ok. Perhaps if you haven’t heard from someone for a while it might be worth a quick phone call just to make sure everyone is ok. And, one last thing, our Patron, David Anderson, sent out a video Easter message wishing all old boys a happy Easter. By the video, it looks like David and Ann have quite a lot of garden to look after. Thanks David and Ann and best wishes back to you both. Regards to all and stay safe. Peter