4 Fd Regt (SVN) Old Boys Newsletter - March 2020 Edition

4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER No 39 – Autumn 2020 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317. G’day everyone, I had a call from Johno this afternoon and his call has prompted me to put out this 39th edition of our Old Boys Newsletter. Johno asked me if all the old boys were ok and I had to admit that I didn’t know. No one has contacted me to the contrary so I can only assume that everyone is ok. Then again, someone once told me “never assume”! So, is everyone OK? I get very little feedback but occasionally I do get an email and it encourages me to keep going. Anyway, I have opened a nice bottle of red, and there is nothing on TV again, so I thought I would jot a few lines. Here follows in no particular order, the latest old boy’s news. I haven’t included and Covid-19 updates as there are more than enough online or on the news. However, if anyone needs a hand or needs to talk – phone a friend! We are all here to help each other and we have all done it at one stage or another so don’t be shy – phone a friend! Which reminds me. There are still a lot of Old Boys who are not on our email list. If you know of someone, please get in touch with them and even print off and send them a copy of our newsletter. If possible, get them to send me an email address where they can access our newsletters ie children or grandchildren and heaven forbid, great grandchildren! Can anyone lay claim to great grandchildren at this stage? Enough! The red wine is starting to take over. Let’s see what we have to date. Firstly, from Gabby Hayes, the keeper of our funds. He reports we have $948.09 in our everyday account and $6,163.99 in our term deposit. Gabby tells me there is a bit of confusion re the rollover of our term deposit, but he will sort it out and get back to us. It revolves around CBA changing the way they look after term deposits. One other death notice I’m afraid. Some of you will remember Jack Summers. Jack died earlier this month in a nursing home at Sunbury in Victoria. He was 80 and had not been well for some time. An obituary for Jack will be published on the RAAHC web site www.artilleryhistory.org 4 th Regiment Items for sale include:  60 th Anniversary Polos for $60;  60 th Annivesary Stubbie Holders for $10;  Regimental Tie for $20:  Regimental CuffLinks for $20;  Regimental Keyrings for $15;  Regimental Bottle Opener for $15;  Regimental Lapel Pins for $10, and