4 Fd Regt (SVN) Old Boys Newsletter - December 2020 Edition
Glover is coming up from Tassie. We are going to do the march and then meet up at the Story Bridge pub. If there is nothing planned, I would appreciate you informing everybody. I don’t think we will have a problem getting out of WA. Getting back might be a problem.I don’t know about the others, but I am sure I can talk my way back in. Cheers for now. All the very best to you and yours. Take care , stay safe, Johno. From Bob White The Queen's Banner as it exists today was presented to replace the King's Banner. The ceremony was conducted at St Andrews Cathedral in Sydney. The two Colour Sergeants were Sgt Tom Martin and Sgt Bob White. As we slow marched down the aisle (marble) we negotiated a few steps which were hard to see in dim light. One of the Sgts took a larger step than was needed and almost stumbled but regained his uprightness at the same time the acorn on his bayonet dislodged and went scattering down the aisle. Naked bayonet!!!!!! However a youngster in the audience retrieved the acorn and handed it to the Sgt who hastily placed it back where it belonged. The unfortunate Sgt was ME!! Just another thing in the life of Gunners. UBIQUE Cheers Bob White Peter, just to add to some interesting more bit about the King's Banner. Once upon a time the King's Banner was pierced by a naked bayonet because an acorn had come adrift. It was being paraded and the colour Sgt's were Sgt Mick Cole and Sgt Colin Maynard. It was Mick's bayonet that did the damage. The Banner had to go back to the UK to be repaired. Cheers Bob. From Gabby Hayes our Treasurer on 5 Nov. Mate just got the Quarterly (everyday) Bank statement. We have $988.69 credit - plus the term deposit. I threw $10 in to keep it ticking over. Gabby. From Ex Gunner Ron Jackson Ron is a Pom who enlisted in the Australian Army in 1941 and discharged in 1946. He served with the 2/14th Australian Field Regiment which was part of 8th Division. The regiment served in the South Pacific from 1943 until 1946. Ron is 98 years young. (Late correction – Ron is only 96 – he put his age up two years on enlistment!) Hello, My name is Ron Jackson I was once a member of the 2/14 th Aust Field Regiment VX64635. I also published a History of the regiment “The Broken Eighth”. The reason for this mail is a request. Is there any way that I can find any other surviving members of the Regiment? Until recently I was in touch with one member in Tasmania but sadly he passed away in July 2020. I was once Secretary of our Association but we disbanded in 2007 and my records are incomplete. I would very much appreciate any help you may be able to give. My regards to all Gunners Ron Jackson” Update on Ron as of 22 November. I have spoken with Ron several times now but no luck in finding any remaining 2/14th Field Regiment members. A sad thought that this will happen to our association one day. Ron sent me a copy of his book “The Broken Eighth” and I was very impressed by both the presentation and quality of the book. It really is a great memento for all families of his regimental mates. Unfortunately, Ron has no copies left for sale at this stage. They are available on line but the price has gone through the
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