4 Fd Regt (SVN) Old Boys Newsletter - December 2020 Edition

roof. If by chance you do hear of any other 2/14th Diggers, I know Ron would love to hear from you. Update from DVA recently. The Government recognises the important role the Veteran Gold Card has in supporting veterans and their families to access treatment, and this is why we are rejecting the recommended changes to the Gold Card outlined in the Productivity Commission report, providing clarity and certainty to veterans and their families.” David Anderson sent me this article: Another great piece by George Mansford on Remembrance Day Much of our history is buried in cobwebs and dust. Lessons learnt in time of emergency are quickly forgotten, only to be rediscovered the hard way, often with great loss in both life and national security. Preparing for war is one of those many neglected lessons. Two world wars taught us the great dangers of not being prepared. Fortunately, we had geographical distance and precious time, as well as powerful allies in the form of the USA to save us. Such threats can happen again, thus ignoring history and its stark lessons of survival could result in the bitter fruit of apathy being our diet, forever and a day. There are other flashing lights of danger we should not ignore. Modern science and technology have eliminated our advantages of distance and time from external threat. Our submarine fiasco is worthy of mention. A new generation of diesel powered submarines will not be operational until decades from now. This very day, there are trials being conducted by the USA on automated craft with incredible operational range. Can you imagine science and technology as it will be in 25 years plus? Relying on other nations for sustainability in times of major strife has and continues to be a dangerous gamble. Values so precious to us, free speech, religion, the flag and unity to name but four, are already under attack from stealth, deceit, ignorance and social mischief. No longer are we united in common purpose, while this very day our precious way of life is under threat by noisy minority groups intent on a new world order. Simple demographics show Australia is a huge continent with small population. Huge reservoirs of mineral wealth and potential for food bowls are the envy of other nations in an ever-shrinking world. Our lack of vision, purpose and energy is most evident and makes us vulnerable to become a lifeboat for social change by negotiation or force. To add to our challenges are the threats and disunity within our nation. The intent to destroy our way of life by a few who readily defy and exploit the laws of our society, using both tantrums and violence with impunity, is increasingly evident. Much of our sovereignty has become a casualty due to poor leadership, betrayal, lack of vision and greed. Remembrance Day is a proper and noble occasion to honour our fallen. However, there is an expectation future generation will also be prepared to defend our way of life from any threat, big or small. The most effective way to prevent war is to be ready for it, and we are not. If we become divided and succumb to the demands of others, at home or abroad, we will fail those who handed us the torch. The values we inherited, and the precious words ‘‘lest we forget” could well join the dusty and growing cobwebs of our proud history which once was.