4 Fd Regt (SVN) Old Boys Newsletter - December 2020 Edition
4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER No 42 – Summer 2020 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317 Hi everyone, Welcome to our summer edition – the last for 2020. It’s certainly been an interesting year to say the least. I trust everyone survived ok and is looking forward to the Festive Season and a revitalised 2021. February/March 2021 marks 50 years since the Regiment returned from Vietnam after its second tour of duty. 106 Battery was replaced by “A” Field Battery from 12th Field Regiment in February 1971 and 107 Battery was replaced by 104 Battery in May that year. RHQ including most of HQ Battery came home on 11 March and 12th Field Regiment took over. I have received a couple of proposals for marking the Regiment’s 50 years since Vietnam and these include a gathering in both Sydney and Brisbane. I dare say there will be the usual gathering in Perth as well. Rather than try and organise anything too formal, I propose to get some details together for both Brisbane and Sydney where any Old Boys can meet and catch up with others you may not have seen for many years. Both gatherings will happen over the ANZAC Day weekend with ANZAC Day next year falling on a Sunday. Why not make an effort to get to one of these locations and make a real presence for our 50 years home anniversary. Of course, those Old Boys from the Regiment’s first tour of 67/68 are welcome to join in. I will let everyone know of where and when to meet in our first newsletter for 2021. If you and a few mates get together in other places, please let me know as well and we’ll pass on the information to all. We might even be able to set up some for of link with everyone but best do it earlier in the day! I received a nice card from the family of Peter McBaron who died earlier this year. The family were very appreciative of the note from our Old Boys Association. Some correspondence received: From Johno in WA back a few months. Hi Pete. First of all thank you for your tireless support and dedication to us old boys. We had a little get together at the Windsor Hotel in South Perth a couple of weeks ago. Alge Sukys ,Robert Armstrong , Ron Bates and myself. We started at 12 , Ron and Robert fell over (or couldn’t handle my bull shit) at around 5pm. Alge and I kicked on until around 9pm . As you can guess we were legless. Actually Alge was , I was still sober. (I know, bull shit). We had a great afternoon talking about old times. A few of us West Australians are looking to march in Brisbane next year to celebrate 50 years since we got back. Steve
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