4 Fd Regt Old Boys Newsletter - June 2020 Edition
We also have a betting club for the group which weekly we put in $5 each and each of us gets a turn to punt ,if you win you bet again next week lose and it moves on to the next guy ,just a bit of fun, none of us are regular punters but it's fun . Health wise we are all battling on no one has any major illnesses. Alf recently had some scar tissue removed from between his rib cage and his lung, but all good nothing serious, the rest of us apart from the usual thing of getting old just carry on. We are all busy with grandkids, babysitting and stuff, picking them up from school etc as the parents both work but I love it so does my wife and no doubt the others do as well. Isolation is not that bad for us we pretty well do the same as we would normally anyway just don't go to the shops as much, just miss seeing the grandkids that is the hardest ,though sometimes I love it when at the end of the day I am glad to send them home , mostly they are well behaved ,but it can grate on you a bit ,and patience can be stretched ,but not very often. Well mate just a catch up, don't think I have sent one in before or maybe a long long time ago. All the best. Regards, John. I forgot to add Brian Cunningham's name to the group. Also it is ok if you want to publish my e-mail in the next 4Fd reg newsletter. Did not think of it at the time, there are probably a few blokes out there who might be wondering sort of where are they now thing. Anyway all the best, we really enjoy the newsletter, thanks for the great job. Catch ya. John Hume, Email: fradonjan@hotmail.com From Col Parkin on 18 Apr Hi Peter. Joan and I are both well (as can be expected at our age) We have three kids and seven grand kids (no grand kids thank god). I'm active with the Maroochydore Sub Branch (RSL) and on the Committee of the Sunshine Coast Vietnam Veterans Association. Regards Col From Brian Swift on 18 Apr Great newsletter Peter as usual. Thanks. FYI Sandi and I are well protected and safe in our nursing home at Alexandra Headland. Both confined to wheel chairs now. Sandi as result of stroke and me result of just generally falling apart. I too have not been able to raise Graeme Leonard but will keep looking very sad to learn of Jack Summers passing. Good man and always good for a laugh. I fully support your call to reach out if you need a supportive friend. I am available 24/7. Carry on Peter and all our mates. You are all often in my thoughts. Love Swifty From Lance Grimstone on 18 Apr Pete, Nothing new re Graeme Leonard yet. Am still hoping to get up that way this winter. Naturally Sharpie had to call off the three amigo’s trip (Gary, Mick and I), but can report that comms with the Tassie boys (Steve Glover, Bluey Cargill and Denis Phundt) indicate that they’re still firing OK. Bushy’s been laid up with a busted ankle for the past month or so. He’d probably appreciate a tingle. Spoke to Dave Larter a few weeks back – he and Sandy doing fine. We were planning to dig Swifty out of his retirement village on our way to Cairns but of course that’s now on hold. I’ll ring him on ANZAC Day. Now for your memory test re photo. From left to right – yourself, Sgt Brewer, Snowy Kahler, Graham Claughton (or Clauson). Looks like top deck of Peter Badcoe Club looking towards town. Cheers, Lance
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