4 Fd Regt Old Boys Newsletter - June 2020 Edition

until February 1966. An obituary for Maj-Gen Stevenson is on the RAAHC web site www.artilleryhistory.org ). Joint Press Release on 14 May 2020 by:  The Hon Darren Chester MP Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister for Defence Personnel  The Hon Coralee O’Rourke MP Minister for Communities & Minister for Disabilities Services and Seniors  Mr Phillip Thompson OAM, MP Federal Member for Herbert Federal Member for Herbert Veterans and their families in north Queensland are a step closer to easier access to services and support with the successful contractor to build the next stage of the Oasis Townsville announced today. Federal Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester and Queensland Minister for Communities and Minister for Disabilities Services and Seniors, the Hon Coralee O’Rourke MP, announced Townsville-based company Woollam Constructions would lead the major building works for the project. “This is an important step forward in improving the support and services for veterans and their families in Townsville,” Mr Chester said. “Once completed, The Oasis Townsville will provide a one-stop shop for veterans and their families to access assistance from government, health services, ex-service organisations (ESOs) and community groups. “The Oasis Townsville will significantly expand and enhance the existing range of services it already offers, ensuring that we are putting veterans and their families first.” The major building works for the project include a partial demolition of the existing building, refurbishment of the remaining half of the building, construction of an indoor/outdoor café, five smaller buildings and other external works. “The construction of The Oasis Townsville is a truly local project — using local construction companies and local suppliers, supporting approximately 24 full-time equivalent jobs and boosting the local economy,” Mrs O’Rourke said. “Since I was first approached by The Oasis Townsville a number of years ago, I have been working with them to achieve our vision for the site and to provide a truly unique, fit-for-purpose facility to benefit our local community, veterans and their families. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Chris Jobson (not an old boy) on 16 May I’ve just been advised that Peter and Janine Kilpatrick returned home from the UK in February, however, upon their arrival in Sydney Killer tested positive for coronavirus and was immediately placed into hospital. I’m told that he was released from hospital at the end of March and he is now, apparently, ‘on the mend’, and my understanding is that they’re still in Sydney. All the best, Jobbo . …………………………………………………………….. From the Master Gunner St James Park : Lieutenant General Sir Andrew Gregory KBE CB on 26 May 2020. To all ranks serving and retired The Royal Australian Artillery; The Royal Canadian Artillery; The Royal New Zealand Artillery As the Master Gunner St James’s Park, it is a privilege to send best wishes to all ranks, serving and retired, across the Royal Artilleries of the Commonwealth on the occasion today of the 304th anniversary of the founding of our parent Regiment.