4 Fd Regt Old Boys Newsletter - June 2020 Edition
4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER No 40 – Winter 2020 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317 G’day everyone Many thanks to all who have let me know what’s happening in their part of the world – very much appreciated. Last edition photo was me, Ray McGrath, Snowy Kahler and Graham Claughton at the Badcoe Club in Vung Tau. My guess it was one of those Sunday day trips down for a cup of tea and a scone! Special birthday wishes for June to Keith Hall (achieved his OBE today 3 June 2020). Happy birthday Keith from all the Old Boys and best wishes for the years ahead. From Andrew Murray on ANZAC Day Good Morning guys, I Trust you are all safe and well. Normally on this day we would be gathering in Bent St Sydney and gathering under the Regimental Banner to proudly march down Elizabeth St to commemorate Anzac Day and remember our fallen colleagues before adjourning to the Coronation Hotel for a commemorative drink. Sadly, as we can’t do that this year, I bring the banner to you. From John Hume on 18 April Hi Peter Just an update from W.A. Up until the virus keeping us all in isolation, we as a group are still meeting twice weekly for exercise at the Somerset Pools, in E Victoria Park, W.A. We walk for 40 minutes in the pools then we have coffee and bikkies or cake, especially cake on someone’s birthday. In the group are myself, John Hume, Dave Drabble, Alf Hickinbotham, Ron Fritchley, and six other vets from various units. This has been going on for about 15 years, ever since the heart health programme was instigated all the time ago. We originally walked around the street around Lathlain Park, for the same time, but now wobbly knees has claimed us we can do the same in the water and still get the benefit of exercising. We also keep a great socialising routine, occasionally going for lunch together ,mainly at the Shoe Tavern in the city, or the local for things like the Melbourne cup, we had a great windfall at last year’s cup we all pooled our dough and set a trifecta ,it got in and we collected roughly $300 each ,a great day. We also socialise as a group with our wives ,having a couple of functions either going to a restaurant, or thanks to Theresa and Drabs going to their house for BBQ's ,which we are eternally grateful for ,they are fantastic hosts and very generous .
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