4 Fd Regt Old Boys Newsletter - September 2020 Edition

the West coast of Malaysia with the intention of infiltrating into the local area. The battery drove from Asahan Range to the Jasin Police Station where the guns were left, the battery then deployed as three light platoons patrolling the main road as an outer cordon. On the 30 th October the guns were deployed in a straight line along a small canal and fired a total of sixty rounds into the area where the insurgents had landed which had the desired effect and they surrendered. The photograph shows the battery firing on the insurgents at Merlimau. A projectile can be seen just above the head of the Gun Sergeant wearing a white hat band. From the book “NOTHING SHORT of WAR” by NC Smith, he confirms the dates 29/30 Oct0ber 1964. 102 Field Battery later served in Sarawak on the island of Borneo from May to August 1965 providing fire support for 2 nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment and 1stBattalion 6th(Queen Elizabeths Own) Gurkha Rifles. It was the only Australian Artillery unit to serve in Borneo/Sarawak during the Indonesian Confrontation. The rhinoceros hornbill, which is the national bird of Sarawak was also adopted by the battery as its emblem as a reminder of time spent there.