4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - December 2021 Edition
From Alan Johnston Thanks again for a great newsletter At present I’m in Onslow spending six or seven weeks with Colin Montfort prior to him continuing his journey Colin has been on the road travelling around this great country for the past 21 yrs Cheers Alan Johnston 106 Battery 2nd tour Feb 70 to Feb 71. From Barry Ward Hi Peter. You got the drivers right they were some of my section. I have some photos of 4 Fd. That I can send if you would be able to use them. All the photos are on slide film and is not in good condition after all the years. A shot of Swifty at a one of our shows with the pet honey bear, will admit a big difference from then to now. From Brian Swift Old boys and good friends, this letter is mainly to properly thank so many of you for your support, thoughts and well wishes since early august until recently. I went through a really rough patch during which most of my left foot was amputated due to slack care of my diabetes. Recovery was slowed by serious infection which required removal of more foot and toes. During second operation there was a serious bleed which required two blood transfusions. I reckon I got bad blood because my entire blood system and heart became badly infected which almost cost my life. I vomited violently and constantly for six days and nights. The infection damaged my pace maker causing it to fail and it had to be removed and replaced — another high risk procedure. All this time I was getting messages of support and well wishes because Peter Bruce kept you all informed. I drew strength from all the support and thank you all more than you could imagine. From time to time we all need help and to know that others care. I’m here to tell you it is powerful medicine. Please continue to remember our colleagues and stand up to support each other. Again Thankyou, UBIQUE, Swifty From Allan Hutcheson Good afternoon Peter, Bert Downs passed away some years ago...he travelled to Perth for the 1998 re-union where he told me of his life with strongyloids and the problems he had uncovered regarding that disease. Bert left a precis containing information regarding strongyloidiasis and sadly, Bert passed away just a few years after. Bert was a very good friend of mine for many years, during and after service. ( I had been chasing up info on Bert and forgot that we had listed him as deceased some time back. – Thanks Al.) May he rest in eternal peace From Terry Hills (Jungles) Hi Peter, please pass on my best wishes to Brian Swift (Swifty). You may recall that I am still in the UK and there is no way that I can get from here to Australia so this is the best way of communicating and passing on my best wishes to Brian. I am now severely partially
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