4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - December 2021 Edition

4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER No 46 – Summer 2021 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317 G’day everyone I trust all are as well as can be expected under your individual circumstances. All well at this end and again, left wondering where the year has gone. More and more Covid related restrictions being lifted throughout our country which is good news to all. However, what the future holds is the real unknown. The main issue in this newsletter regards the use of some of our funds to support the current members of 4th Regiment. You may recall that I spoke to CO 4th Regiment earlier this year regarding the possibility of us supporting the regiment in some way. His response was that furniture for the ORs club (see picture below) would be appropriate and that any furniture should be portable so if the Regiment moved from their current lines, they could take the furniture piece with them. The Regiment, via WO2 Steve Wilson have proposed a special bar table for the Gunners club. It will be solid, bear the letters ‘IV’ and have a plaque inserted acknowledging our Old Boys Association. Total cost is $1425.00. Steve wrote to me saying: “One of our lads has cast a wide net for a commemorative bar table for the Mike Williams Club, we have located a local chippie who can deliver for $500 less than off the shelf. Sonny’s bar tables have a FB page if you wish to see their work. I think this will be sturdy enough to withstand spilt beer, food, blood etc. We have also sourced a local steel supplier to provide stainless steel, 50cm high IV numerals to be bolted on top. A total of $1,425. See attached quote for more detail. If this is what you had in mind, we can go ahead and have this made. I will also seek a significant brass plaque thanking the 4 th Field Regiment SVN Assn.” Our Treasure, Gabby Hayes, advises that we have $1008.69 in the everyday account and our term deposit of $6205.28 (plus interest) due to mature on 14 December. I propose that we take $1500.00 from our term deposit on maturity and move it to our working account. The balance of our term deposit to be rolled over for another 12 months. Depending on your (Old Boys) support for the project, we will give 4th Regiment the go ahead as soon as I get sufficient feedback. If anyone has objections, please let me know soonest so I can canvas responses. If we give the OK to go ahead, I estimate it would be well in to 2022 before the item would be ready and we may even have it in time for the Regiments next birthday in May. We may have to pay some form of deposit if we give the Regiment the approval to go ahead. Please let me know your thoughts as soon as possible. I receive several newsletters from various organisations and only this morning I received one from London Legacy Club. What a wonderful publication, full of interesting bits and pieces regarding Legacy happenings in the UK. If anyone would like to have a look at this newsletter, just let me know and I will forward to you. Paul Dixon who publishes ‘Eyes and Ears’ for the Locators also puts out a great newsletter.