4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - June 2021 Edition
Notes from 4th Regiment – by WO2 Steve Wilson The Regiment has had an eventful year to date. Prior to the Pandemic, we had our people in Finland and Seattle, USA on exercise as well as training teams to The Philippines and PNG. Since then, the exercise tempo has significantly dropped, and the only deployment was to Fortitude Valley in Brisbane on Ex Covid Assist. The major exercise last year was Ex Long Kahn (named after 3RAR's SVN operation in 1971), a live-fire combined arms activity at Townsville Field Training Area (formerly HRTA). Otherwise, the time has been filled with training on the wide variety of weapons and equipment we now have. 107 Bty at Townsville Field Training Area 2019 The Regiment is proud to have in its ranks both the current RAA JNCO of the year, BDR Sebastian Linde and the RAA Soldier of the Year, GNR Ayevan Harris. They will have representational duties to fulfil, including a tour of the RA when international travel is opened up again. We also hosted the first ANZAC Day Dawn Service since 2019 at our new memorial that included our very own bugler and piper. Over 530 members, family and guests attended. A record by my estimation. SVN Veterans from 104 and 107 Battery Associations were in town and also marched at the Strand side by side with current members past 15,000 cheering members of the community. The new black granite memorial with sentry
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