4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - June 2021 Edition
4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER No 44 – Winter 2021 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317 Hello Old Boys Welcome to our winter edition. A couple of old boys attended the 61st birthday celebrations of 4th Regiment in Townsville on 30 April and 1 May this year. The Regiment put on a wonderful parade and music show on the evening of the 30th with an equipment demonstration and cocktail party on Saturday 1 May. The parade was first class with a backdrop of their 155mm M777A2 howitzers and a troop of M2A2s, used in conjunction with the 1812 Overture. After the formal parade, there was a musical show including the 1812. Later, we all had the opportunity to mix with Soldiers from each of the Batterys with individual bars set up around the parade ground. PJ Smith took a couple of days off from duties with RSL Victoria and Susie and I took the caravan up to Townsville via the inland route. Unfortunately, Susie had to fly down to Newcastle before the Townsville events as her dad had a bad turn and the family all gathered expecting the worst. As I write (June 13) he is still hanging in and although close, he is still with us. The caravan trip home from Townsville was interesting without the co-pilot and I basically came straight through to Gympie where I caught up with Bluey Bellis for a coffee. Bluey has had his share of challenges but remains positive. I stayed at a Veterans caravan park out on the road to Tin Can Bay run by an old Vet for Vets. Nice spot and not far from an amazing place for a meal called the Silky Oaks Tea Gardens. Check it out if you’re in to camping or caravanning. The Vets place is called Standown Park and is also well worth a stay. Bluey and I had coffee at the Gympie RSL Club where he is certainly well known. A very nice club where Bluey and a few others get together now and then for lunch. On the way up to Townsville, we had ANZAC Day at Roma in Queensland. For those who have not been there, they have a great little RSL club and ran a wonderful Dawn Service, march and main service. Years ago, the community planted Bottle Trees around the streets to honour all the local men who went away to the War in 1914/15. Each tree is sponsored by either family or school kids or locals and on ANZAC Day they put a photo of the Digger the tree was planted for. A very moving experience. One thing that the CO of 4th Regiment mentioned to us was that he was trying to improve the facilities for the diggers at their Regimental Club facility. The Regiment runs a coffee shop and have the majority of their social functions at the club. I asked the CO if there was anything in particular, we the SVN Old Boys may be able to do for the current soldiers of the Regiment. We’ll wait and see what develops but perhaps we may be able to use some of our funds to leave our mark on the Regiment and support the current diggers. More information next issue but I would appreciate any thoughts on the matter.
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