4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - March 2021 Edition

Eligibility:  Aged 17 years or older •  Medicare card holder •  Veteran (as defined by one day or more service) or current ADF member •  GP referral or referral by ADF MO  There are no out of pocket costs associated with receiving treatment. NCVH RSL Liaison Officer:  The NCVH has worked with RSL NSW to develop and implement the RSL Liaison Officer role, based at Concord Hospital.  Referrals made by NCVH team to Liaison Officer.  Provides linkages and ongoing support post transfer from NCVH.  Assists with linkages to: o financial supports, claims and advocacy, o link to local RSL Sub-Branches and veteran community supports and activities. Fussell House at NCVH:  Supported by $6.7m capital contribution from DVA.  On site accommodation for NCVH clients to receive care with support of families/carers.  Provides safe and comfortable space.  Family and carers encouraged to attend with clients.  Provides opportunity to develop connections & friendships with other veterans. More information available at www. NCVHConcord. com.au or by phoning (02) 9767 866 Geoff Dunkley – mail bounces. Anyone heard from or of him? Same same Chris Reid.