4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - March 2021 Edition

Peter Gibson tells me that a book of colour photos of 12 Field Regiment in Vietnam in 1971 is now available to purchase. Contact Peter at gibbop@dodo.com.au The book provides a good insight into the Regiments’ tour and the role of HQ Battery in Vietnam. The book is limited edition and titled “Conscripted – Now it’s our Turn:”. Cost is $80.00 plus postage. From Gabby Hayes on 28 July Mate just got the latest statement for the everyday account. we have $1008.69 I threw $10 in to keep it ticking over. Just got the results for 2020-21 year for the term deposit. We started off with $6205.28 and got $53.93 interest - gives us $6259.21. Not much but with the interest rates real low better than nothing Gabby Geoff Laurie from the RAA Association of South Australia advises that this year’s Gunner Dinner will be held on Wed 27 October, at the Colonel Light Gardens RSL Club. Details will be advised in a few weeks, but please enter the date on your calendar now to avoid double booking! From Lieutenant General Sir Andrew Gregory KBE CB DL Artillery House Royal Artillery Barracks Larkhill Salisbury Wiltshire SP4 8QT United Kingdom Tel [Military]: Fax [Military]: PA to MGStJP: +44 (0)1980 84 [94322 ] 5528 +44 (0)1980 84 [94322 ] 5210 Jennifer.McGrath924@mod.gov.uk Master Gunner St James’s Park Brigadier R Vagg DSC Head of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery c/o SO2 Head of Regiment School of Artillery Bridges Barracks Puckapunyal Victoria 3662 Australia 26 July 2021 Dear Richard, As Master Gunner St James’s Park and on behalf of all ranks, serving and retired, of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, I send our very best wishes and congratulations to all ranks, serving and retired, of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery on the occasion of the 150 th Anniversary of your formation on 1 st August 2021. Such milestones are historically important and give pause for thought and reflection. They particularly allow us to remember the very many individuals who have served your Regiment with dedication and honour during those one hundred and fifty years, and on those who continue today to uphold your Regiment’s values, standards and traditions so impressively in the face of any and all challenges and adversities that they may face. The fact that today we face a shared but invisible enemy in the form of the pandemic remains a matter of great concern; I wish all Gunners safe passage through it. What is equally impressive is that, alongside that, officers and soldiers in our Royal Regiments continue to provide national security through operations, deterrence and training. We should all take great pride in those achievements. Whether the current situation allows me to visit your celebrations in early November remains to be seen, but if not, I will most certainly be with you in spirit! I wish your Regiment a very Happy ‘150 th Birthday,’ and once again, I extend the Royal Regiment of Artillery’s sincere and very best wishes for your forthcoming celebrations and for your next 150 years. With my best wishes