4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - March 2021 Edition

4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER No 45 – Spring 2021 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317 G’day Old Boys Update on Swifty first up. His first operation back in early August, took two toes and part of his foot off to stop a Diabetes related infection. Other medical issues meant a hold on further surgery but more to follow at a later date. It was great to get so many responses from Old Boys around the country wishing Swifty all the best. He tells me they were a great comfort to him. In the process, I have discovered that there are a few Old Boys who have their own medical issues. Some are minor and come with our date of birth, but some others are more serious and if we know about them we can spread the word. I am conscious of the fact that some Veterans don’t like to advertise their woes as was the case with Tony Megay, a National Serviceman with 108 Bty. Tony had some pretty serious issues but kept it to himself and as John Well said in his obituary, we will respect those wishes even after death. But, if you, or a mate is having a few issues, don’t feel as though you are alone. There is always the chance that another Old Boy is experiencing the same or similar issues. A bit of banter back and forward might be just what the Doctor ordered. I have had a couple of phone calls in recent times. Had a call from Steve Glover in Tassie. Although one of his sons now runs the fishing boat, Steve is still called in for some maintenance issues. Still clay shooting he tells me. Also had a long chat with Darryl Cooper in the west. Great to hear from both these Old Boys. National Centre for Veterans’ Healthcare (NCVH) The National Centre for Veterans’ Healthcare (NCVH) is an innovative Australian-first service at Concord Hospital, funded as part of the hospital’s $341.2 million stage one redevelopment. A 12 month pilot service commenced in August 2019, with ongoing service continuing. The NCVH will relocate to the new clinical services building in October 2021. The NCVH is:  Multidisciplinary integrated service for Australia’s veterans and serving ADF members  Centred around assessment, treatment and support of the health and psychosocial needs of Australian veterans & ADF members  “One stop shop” to assess, plan and link veterans with ongoing supports in the community. Their Integrated Multidisciplinary Team offers:  Case Management  Rehabilitation Medicine  Drug Health  Pain Medicine • Psychiatry  Psychology (Clinical & Neuropsychology)  Physiotherapy • Exercise Physiology  Occupational Therapy  Nutrition and Dietetics  Social Work  Diversional Therapy Support from other Concord & Sydney Local Health District clinical services