4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2021 Edition

criminality of a few, but there were junior leaders at SASR who made hard decisions to uphold the sacred trust reposed in them by the Australian people. Leaders who took responsibility for their command. They know who they are and we honour them. Finally, despite the Brereton Report, I still believe the profession of arms is a noble one. In any case, a survey of history shows us that war is part of the human experience. Australia has fought wars in the past; we will fight them in the future. We must be ready. And we cannot afford to lose. As Ernest Hemingway wrote, “I have seen much war in my lifetime and I hate it profoundly. But there are worse things than war, and all of them come with defeat.” In July, the Prime Minister spoke of the post-pandemic world being poorer, more dangerous and more disorderly. We cannot afford to draw the wrong lessons from the Brereton Report. The mission of the ADF remains unchanged: to win our wars. We must prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead. But we must always hold ourselves to high moral standards. When wrong is done, we must hold ourselves to account. That’s why I have supported the Brereton Inquiry: I love my country and want to protect it from those who would harm us from both without and within. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A big day approaches for one of our Old Boys. Ian Prewett finally gets to have his 70th Birthday on the 13th March. It will be an even bigger day for Ian and his bride to be Tracey who will be married on the same day. Apparently, the wedding will take place at their local golf club where Ian and Tracey are both regularly found. From all the Old Boys, we wish Ian a very happy birthday and welcome to the 70’s. To Ian and Tracey, all the very best for the big day. Anyone who would like to pass a message to Ian can do it through me and I will pass it on. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ While on the subject of golf, one of my mates of old has just joined a golf club and has put in his cards for a handicap. Back came his results and he is now playing off 46!! (Yes that’s right – 46!) There is hope for me yet! No names of course but perhaps golf is a bit harder to master than Rugby? ---------------------------------------------------------- Well, that’s it for now. Welcome to a couple more on the mailing list and just a reminder to all, if you know of an old boy who is not into emails, perhaps print this off and post or give it to them. I wish I had more information on ANZAC Day but alas, very little correspondence received. Happy 50th anniversary to those who came home in March and May and maybe we will have some stories to tell in our next edition. Finally, it is Syd Farrows birthday on the 23rd of March. I think he is turning one hundred and something! Syd has stepped down as Treasurer of the local Sub-branch but still active as memorabilia officer. The 23rd March was also the day Ross Anton died in Vietnam. RIP Ross. Best wishes to all Peter