4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - March 2022 Edition

The Royal Australian Artillery also provides standing Joint Fires and Effects staff functions and advice to the wider Army and the Australian Defence Force. This advice is provided to several joint operational commands through: the Joint Fires and Effects Coordination Centre within Headquarters 1st Division / Deployable Joint Force Headquarters; the Supported Arms Coordination Centre within Headquarters Amphibious Task Group; and the Directorate of Army Air Support within the Royal Australian Air Force Air Command. These staffs are supported by various embedded Royal Australian Artillery force elements such as Joint Terminal Attack Control Troop and Ground Liaison Troop, as well as Joint Fires Teams in the Army’s amphibious battalion. Additionally, the Regiment contributes staff into higher joint headquarters, such as the Effects Cell within Headquarters Joint Operations Command. Many would remember Russel Collett who was a cook with us in Townsville and in Vietnam 70-71. Russ does not use a computer so I have reproduced his letter below. Russ made a generous donation to our funds for which we thank him.