4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2022 Edition
Hello Peter, Good timing I was going to send you a note about and ex-108 Bty chap I met at a Military lunch at the Melbourne Cricket Club to other day. Brig Neil Graham who claimed to have replaced Jock Jenvey as CO of 108 Field Battery If I recall rightly, he may have ended up Chief Gunner (or something like that) Thank you for your efforts Regards John Torpey. (Ed. Brigadier Neil Graham was Colonel Commandant Southern Region from Dec 2008 to Dec 2012). Kev O’Brien/David Anderson/PJB email chain Thanks Peter. Another marvellous effort by you. Thinking I should grab David Anderson on the way past and head down your way for a catch up, perhaps next ANZAC Day or thereabouts? Yours Sincerely, Kevin O'Brien Sounds like a plan Kevin. Hope your eyes are back to normal after the cataract ops. I’m still struggling with my first one. Evidently one of the unintended consequences of the operation is the formation of an epiretinal membrane - and I have one! It’s described as having a wrinkled piece of glad wrap over the eye which totally distorts anything you see through it. Hopefully the 6 weeks of eye drops Ive been prescribed will do the job. Fingers crossed. Hope you and Valerie are both well. David Anderson Will put in diary as a plan for next year. Meanwhile, David, sorry to hear further on your cataract problem. Better result here. Both now done for me and final check up due tomorrow. I am still getting used to it but managing most things without glasses. I am still putting drops in endlessly. Assuming all well tomorrow I will wait another month and head off to Specsavers. I have a cheap set of enlargement glasses for reading but these useless for the commuter. (like now). Hopefully all will be sorted for both of us in time. Yours Sincerely, Kevin O'Brien From Gabby Hayes – our Treasurer. Pete, Just got the latest quarterly bank statement. As at 25 July we have $1108.69 credit. Gabby (plus our term deposit). (Gabby keeps putting his loose change into our account so that the bank won’t list it as a dead account. Thanks Gabs.) 10 August. Phone call from Eric Williams . Great to chat with Eric and catch up on all his news. He tells me that David is ok as well.
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