4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2022 Edition

A couple of photos of our donated bar table in the Mike Williams MM club at 4 th Regiment in Townsville. I think it looks great and can be transported to new club if and when the Regiment moves. Kevin Murphy drove up from Melbourne to visit Syd and me for Vietnam Veterans Day. We even made the local paper. His visit has prompted us to see if there is any interest in holding another get-together of Old Boys next ANZAC Day. Our Laurieton Sub-branch do a pretty good service both Dawn and main and then follow up with a pretty good lunch back at the Laurieton United Services Club (LUSC). Kevin stayed at the Mariner Motel in Laurieton and talked the owner into offering a special for Old Boys next April. There are only so many rooms there but there is quite a bit of other accommodation in the area. Have a think about it and let us know if you would like to join us for ANZAC Day 2023. We could arrange a few additional things like a game of golf or tours of the area if enough interest is there. No need for firm commitment at this stage but have a think about it and I would need to know numbers for the lunch at least a week before hand. Hi Peter. Had a great time, great to catch up with yourself and Sid. Was a bonus staying at the Mariner motel across the road from the memorial. If the reunion comes off and we book out the Mariner motel (Gave Sid the breakup of the bedding in the rooms and he will charge $110.00 per night), I am willing to organise and cook a casual get together bbq for the afternoon prior to Anzac day. Joan has said she is willing to come provided I take 3 days to get there. Hope the old boys get onboard. Cheers. Kevin Murphy. ED. Great offer Kev, but I’m sure between Syd Farrow and me we can come up with some options for a BBQ. Watch this space.