4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2022 Edition

sector is currently meeting the needs of Australian veterans and their families. As a representative of an organisation identified as offering services to veterans and their families, we would like to invite you to participate in a 15 minute survey to help us understand the services that you provide to veterans and their families. Copies of our Newsletters I had kept hard copies of all our earlier newsletter and have scanned them onto my computer but unfortunately, they are hiding from me. More research needed! I have all the more recent ones on a stick and will forward them down to Tim Ford at the Cutler Research Centre. They do a wonderful job down there. I recently had a question regarding a particular incident and had a wonderful response back with a day or so. A great service. Thanks to Johno for sending us the occasional joke or advice for the elderly – what are you trying to tell us Johno? My doctor told me that a recent ailment I spoke to him about was caused by my date of birth! Oh well, suck it up sunshine and get on with life. From Terry Brennan. Hello from the Head of Regiment team. As you may know the Cannonball is no longer published in hard copy but still continues as an electronic publication on the RAAHC website. It is noteworthy that this is the 100th edition published since Cannonball was launched as the Official Journal of the RAAHC in 1980. On behalf of the RAA Historical Company I would like to advise you that the latest edition has been completed and is now published online. Below are two links to Cannonball 100 – Spring 2022 Edition, one the short version the other the long version: Cannonball 100 – Spring 2022 Edition http://artilleryhistory.org/publications/cannonball_100_spring_2022/Cannonball- Edition-100---Spring-2022/index.html If you have trouble accessing the Cannonball Journal it may mean you will have to subscribe to be a member of the RAAHC. Enjoy reading about the Royal Regiment’s history and heritage. If you have any feedback on this edition or submissions for a future edition do not hesitate to send them to me please. Note: The next edition of the RAA Liaison Letter will be published after the presentation of the new Banner of Queen Elizabeth II on the 5 November this year. Copies of the latest RAA Liaison Letter are also available on the RAAHC Website to members. I also have one spare hard copy if anyone would like it. I will post to you but request you post it on to another Old Boy once you have finished with it. Unfortunately, they are a bit expensive to post. Well, that’s about all the news I have at the moment. I hope none of our old boys are affected greatly by any of the extremely wet weather around the country. I have not heard of any major hospitalisation of anyone either. Drop me a line and let me know what you are up to these days so that I have something to put in the Summer edition. Stay well everyone and we’ll catch up next edition. Cheers, Peter.