4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2022 Edition
4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS Patron: David Anderson. Treasurer: Gabby Hayes. NEWSLETTER No 49 – Spring 2022 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317 G’day everyone, It’s nearly the end of September already – update – it’s now October, and we won’t even mention how close we are to Christmas. Lots of things happening around the world – some good, some bad, and some we don’t even want to mention. On 5 November this year, a new Queens Banner will be presented to the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery (The RAA) on a parade at Victoria Barracks in Sydney. PJ Smith has snagged an official invite, but Susie and I will be attending in the public arena. Limited tickets may still be available by going to Consecration and Presentation of the Queen's Banner of the Royal Regiment Tickets, Sat 05/11/2022 at 9:00 am | Eventbrite or just search Eventbrite. The current Queens Banner was presented in August 1971 on the same parade ground. Some of you would remember Dave Quirk (RIP) and Al Green who were escorts to the old Kings Banner with the Ensign being CAPT JM Sheedy. Escorts to the new Queens Banner were SSGT TW Perrin and SSGT LW Sproules. Ensign for this banner was our own then 2LT Ben Lans. I’m sure many of you would have watched the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. The Poms certainly know how to nail the ceremonial side of things. Some 39 Australians were involved over there including some Gunners. What a wonderful privilege for the young soldiers. Susie and I have managed to get away in our caravan for a few weeks around western NSW and a little bit of SA. I also took our camper trailer up to Copeton Dam for a few days recently and caught up with my son Darren. Last time I was at the dam it was at 13%. Now it’s at 98%. Quite a difference. Only a little bit of correspondence below and a suggestion from Kevin Murphy about next Anzac Day. On an ‘Old Boys’ note, there are lots of guys we lost when we went to email only distribution of our newsletters. If you know of anyone who has perhaps updated to emails, please ask them to get in touch with me and I will add them to our mailing list. Correspondence follows: Peter.Thank you for this and the information it contains. I was sad to read of Jim Clements death. I think that his death may mean that all the gun Sergeants of 106 Bty (second tour) have now passed on although I am not sure about Shane Oxenham and Barnie Keddie. Sad also to hear of Les Coopers death. I caught up with Hilton Lenard and John Derbyshire (both 107 Bty in SVN) at our OCS class reunion last month. Both well and continuing to enjoy life. Take care Bill Foxall.
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