4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - June 2024 Edition
advice about 4 th Field Regiments’ 50 th Birthday Celebrations in April 2010. Many Old Boys attended that event. The rest of our Bulletins are digital and copies have been sent to Tim Ford at the Cutler Research Centre for prosperity. Lots of memories in all those editions and a reminder to me of many Old Boys no longer with us. In summary, we have come a long way from our initial meeting in the Sergeants’ Mess at North Head. Some years ago, we decided to send out digital copies of our newsletter only and we did lose a lot from our mailing list. Over time we have picked up a few extra who use emails. I’m sure there are still many Old Boys who we no longer have contact with but now have emails. The Cutler Research Centre is situated at North Head where there is a library, café, parking and toilets. It is run by volunteers who are always looking for extra help. You can email them at managercrc@artilleryhistory.org or visit via the website www.artilleryhistory.org I received a copy of the 2023 RAA Liaison Letter recently. Terry Brennan, the editor, has been putting it together for some 24 years and does a mighty job. Unfortunately, like many of us, he is not getting any younger and one day soon will reach his compulsory retiring age from the Army. There is a chance he may be able to continue but it’s a case of watch this space. A digital version of the current RAA liaison Letter and previous issues are available on the RAAHC web site www.artilleryhistory.org or the Australian Artillery Association website www.australianartilleryassociation.org The Liaison Letter has lots of interesting bits and pieces obviously related to the RAA and its units. There is also an edition of Cannonball, the Journal of the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company (RAAHC). In this edition, there is a great series of articles commemorating Australian service in the Vietnam War from 1962 to 1975. There are articles about all the RAA units involved including an article by Lt Col Reg Gardner, CO of 4 th Regt in Vietnam 1967/68. 106, 107 and 108 all have an article but alas, poor old Headquarters Battery on both trips, is basically left alone. As I have mentioned previously, the RAAHC is always on the lookout for volunteers willing to help in any way. If you find yourself with some spare time an interest in things RAA, email the secretary at secretary@artilleryhistory.org In line with proposed and ongoing changes to the makeup of our Army following the Defence Strategic Review, 4 th Regiment are scheduled to get their first Self Propelled guns in 2025. Their role will be to support the Townsville 3 rd Brigade which is to become the Army’s armoured combat brigade. I have recently been in touch with the 2IC of 4 th Regiment, Tony Kennedy and he and the CO, LTCOL Simon Frewin are both keen to renew the association between us Old Boys and the Regiment. We have again extended our offer to help with annual prizes or the like for individuals. I did remind them of our donated bar table in the Gnr Mike Williams MM Club. We will stay in touch with the regiment and endeavour to keep our relationship alive and well. Who knows, we may even have another reunion up that way some time. I recently heard from Don Banks who is now back on our mailing list. I also spoke to Alan Johnson recently and it was great to catch up with him. I am in the process of setting up a new computer so transferring data including addresses etc was a bit of a task. So far, everything seems to be going ok, but I am yet to set up my contact groups. Because of the number of Old Boy email addresses, I have to set up three groups. Anything more advanced than that is a bit beyond my pay level.
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