4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - June 2024 Edition

“Wet” photo by Greg Young. The Canungra Vietnam War Memorial by David Anderson. The memorial served to acknowledge the service of Vietnam veterans who passed through what was then called the Jungle Training Centre, prior to deployment to Vietnam. It was subsequently unveiled by MAJGEN Peter Arnison AO, Governor of Queensland, on Saturday, 2 December 2000. However, the present Commanding Officer of the Land Warfare Centre, LTCOL Wendy Say, in recognising that the memorial had been established within the confines of Kokoda Barracks, expressed the desire to relocate it to a more accessible location. The front gates of the barracks was selected for the site as this would allow access to the wider public who are now unable to enter the barracks. A project was therefore established to achieve this and, after two years of volunteer work and community collaboration, the relocated Canungra Vietnam Memorial was opened to veterans, families and the local community at a ceremony on 1 December 2023. The new memorial site displays the iconic Long Tan Cross. At the heart of the site stands a life- sized bronze statue of a Vietnam soldier, an addition funded by the Commonwealth Government’s Saluting Their Service grant program. A number of wreaths were laid during the opening ceremony and Kevin O’Brien and David Anderson, both of whom served with 4 Field Regiment in Vietnam during 1970/1970, laid a wreath on behalf of the RAA. As I mentioned earlier, David, Keith Hall and myself and our wives will all be at Canungra on the 18 th . Please let me know if you are interested in attending. Several RSL sub- Branches on the Gold Coast including Canungra, are involved with the project. The Kokoda Trust Fund was also involved. Further details will be provided once I get them from the organisers. Dress for the day is jacket with medals as you wear on Anzac Day. Don Banks has indicated that he will attend as well. Should be a great day. For the South Australians, an Open Day by 16 AD Regt at Woodside Barracks is planned for Saturday 19 October. More information next edition.