Welcome to our Site
Welcome to the new look Royal Australian Artillery Association (Queensland) Inc website that is clearer, cleaner and designed to be both informative and interactive.

Welcome to the new look Royal Australian Artillery Association (Queensland) Inc website that is clearer, cleaner and designed to be both informative and interactive.
All Gunners both serving and ex-serving, their wives/partners throughout the South East Queensland (SEQ) region are invited to become a member of the Royal Australian Artilery Association (Queensland) Inc. To do so please visit the Membership page using the link within the Menu above.
The Royal Australian Artillery Association (Queensland) Inc will hold a St Barbara's Day Luncheon at the Tattersall's Club on Thursday 8th December 2022 and you are all invited to attend. For more information on the luncheon and details on how to make payment - CLICK HERE
The RAAAQ is a not for profit incorporated association representing both active and former members of the defence force (both regular and reserve) who have served on the establishments of Artillery units.
Its primary aim is to promote and foster esprit de corps and to create and foster a bond of comradeship between all Gunners throughout the South East Queensland region. Read more..
P.O. Box 174
07 3343 6969
If you have a Question or wish to provide some Feedback in relation to the Royal Australian Artilelry Association (Queensland) Inc or our Website please - CLICK HERE