Royal Australian Artillery
Association (Queensland) Inc


About Us

The RAAAQ is a not for profit incorporated association representing both active and former members of the defence force (both regular and reserve) who have served on the establishments of Artillery units.

Its primary aim is to promote and foster esprit de corps and to create and foster a bond of comradeship between all Gunners.

The Association's annual activities include:

* Coordination of the artillery elements of the Brisbane ANZAC Day March.
* AGM and luncheon held on or near 1 August, (Artillery Day).
* To  conduct Gunners' Luncheons held on the second Thursday of March, June and Dec.   These luncheons are open to any Gunner (current or ex) and members of the Association.
* To assist kindred gunner association in Queensland including Fort Lytton Historical Association and various Field Battery/Unit Associations.
* The dissemination of Gunner information throughout Queensland.
* Host a luncheon to celebrate Saint Barbara's Day annually.











Quick Links:

Contact Us:

P.O. Box 174

07 3343 6969


If you have a Question or wish to provide some Feedback in relation to the Royal Australian Artilelry Association (Queensland) Inc or our Website please - CLICK HERE

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RAA Association (QLD) Inc - Question / Feedback