Battle Honours seek to record occasions when a unit has distinguished itself  in war. Commemorations of such notable exploits of a unit's past help create and maintain a pride within itself.

The first Battle Honour, or Honorary Distinction as it was correctly called, was awarded in the British Army to the 18th Royal Irish Regiment by King William III for its service at the siege of Namur in 1695.


Thereafter the custom of granting Battle Honours became more common. All the regiments which took part in the defence of Gibraltar (during the Great Siege of 1779-83) were allowed to bear the title "GIBRALTAR".  This included a number of batteries from the Royal Artillery. The Gunners were also awarded the Battle Honour "WATERLOO."


In 1833, the Gunners were granted two mottos, "UBIQUE" and "QUO FAS ET GLORIA DUCUNT". It was stated that "UBIQUE" (Everywhere) was also to be granted as a Battle Honour and was to substitute for "all other terms of distinction for the whole Regiment"

This was the end of all other Battle Honours in the Royal Artillery.


A committee was assembled in 1882, under Major General Sir Archibald Allison, to review all the past history of the British Army and to regularise the holding and the granting of Battle Honours, less the Royal Artillery who had already been given the single Battle Honour "UBIQUE."

The Honour is unique to the Gunners. It simply means that wherever there is a battle the Gunners are there, serving and supporting.         

The Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery was granted the Battle Honour, by His Majesty King George VI, in January 1950 (it is not a Battle Honour for the engineers). This included 6 Field Regiment Royal Australian Artillery CMF who were granted approval and from then on wore a replica badge to that of the famous parent corps, the Royal Artillery, and bears the same two mottos -                 "UBIQUE"(Everywhere) which takes the place of individual battle honours of an infantry regiment, and &

          "QUO FAS ET GLORIA DUCUNT". Unlike the infantry regiments of the line, the Artillery has no regimental colours - its colours are the guns themselves. Nor does the Artillery have battle honours - its battle honour is the one word EVERYWHERE.

Battle honours are not to be confused with "Honour Titles" which are borne by a number of batteries in the Royal Artillery - an example is 171 (The Broken Wheel) Battery RA.


There is a provision made in the RAA Standing Orders for batteries to be granted Honour Titles. The main rule applying for the granting of these titles is "Place names should be limited to occasions of historic interest, and even then be awarded only in outstanding cases where the susceptibilities of other batteries are not likely to be hurt"


The Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery was granted the two mottos of The Royal Regiment of

Artillery in 1950 by His Majesty King George VI: "UBIQUE" (Everywhere) and "QUO FAS ET

GLORIA DUCUNT" (Where Right and Glory Lead).

The original motto of the NSW Artillery was "SEMPER FIDELIS" (Always Faithful). There is a line of thought that the motto in fact was "SEMPER PARA TUS" (Always Ready) but this appears to be incorrect, even though 'A' Field Battery has adopted the latter.

After Federation the motto was changed to "CONSENSU STABILES". There seems to be three opinions as to the translation: Strong in Agreement, Firm and Ready and, the most accepted, Firm and Steadfast.

The Gunner motto used by Tasmanian Garrison Artillery was "PRO ARIS ET FOCIS" (For Fields and
