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1 FD Regt Colour Patch

1 FD Regiment Sew on Patch

103 Battery Sew on Patch

103 FD Battery Banner

103 FD Battery Sphinx

1 FD Regiment Bannner

Artillery Lapel Badge

RAA Badge

RA Flag

Sew on patch





RAA White Lanyard (corded & braided)




The lanyard had a genuine purpose in war. It was originally a piece of

cord, approximately a metre in length, used to secure a knife which

was issued to both the Artillery and the Cavalry. The knife had a

number of uses; the blade was for cutting loose horses which became

entangled in the head and heel ropes of the picket lines, and the spike

of the knife was used as a hoof pick, for the removal of stones from

horses hooves. A fuze key was also attached to the lanyard.

Hanging loose, the lanyard soon became dirty and for the day-to-day

barrack routine it looked out of place on an otherwise smart uniform;

therefore for peace time purposes the lanyard was plaited, and

coloured white with Blanco, to match both the white bandolier and the

white waist belt worn by the gunners of the day. The lanyard was worn

on the left shoulder with the end containing both the knife and fuze

key tucked into the left breast pocket.

In 1920 the lanyard was moved to the right shoulder, simply because

of the difficult problem of trying to remove the knife from the pocket

underneath the bandolier. By now the bandolier and belt, worn with

battle dress, had long ceased to be white, whilst the lanyard remained


The knife was removed in 1933 and the lanyard then became a

straight cord, worn purely as an ornamental item of dress.

In 1955 it was, for a short time, reintroduced in the plaited style, but it

quickly went back to the straight lanyard currently worn today.

Shown on the left hand side lower region is the lanyard worn by

current day Gunners.