4th Field Regiment did two tours of Vietnam. The first, in 1967/68 involved a Headquarters Battery including support personnel, 106th Field Battery and 108th Field Battery. The Regiments second tour was in 1970/71 and included a Headquarters Battery, 106th Field Battery and 107th Field Battery. Involved with the Regiment on both tours was 161 Field Battery, RNZA and The Detachment, 131st Divisional Locating Battery. At various times, United States Artillery units supported the Regiment.
The 4th Field Regiment (South Vietnam) Old Boys Association was formed to keep those involved with either tour in touch with each other and continue the comradeship established during their service.
Below is the entire collection of the 4th Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boy's' Newsletters presented in Book Flip format. The 4th Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletters are published quarterly and will be made available on this webpage for all to enjoy as they become available. Unfortunately a number of Newsletters could not be reproduced in Book Flip format and are only available in PDF version to both view and download.
Please note, should you prefer to view the Newsletter in PDF format simply open the Book Flip version and at the very bottom in the centre is a ' ' icon. Once the download icon is pressed a PDF version of that Newsletter will automatically be downloaded to your PC.
To become a member of the 4th Field Regiment (SVN) ' Old Boy's' association or to notify me of your updated contact details please CLICK HERE.
Should you have an article or information you would like published, be that documents; photographs; images or video footage, in the 4th Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boy's' Newsletter please CLICK HERE and follow the prompts. |