Throughout Australia there exist many a wide variety of gun types including Locating equipment on display at RSL's, outside Government building, in parks and many other places. A record of these 'garden guns' is kept by the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company (RAAHC) however that record is incomplete. |
We need your help! To locate, identify, photograph and record these guns. The information obtained will be recorded on our website, in our photo gallery and also passed onto the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company (RAAHC) for their information and retention. |
Therefore if you are out and about in your local community, passing through another community intra state or interstate whilst visiting family or friends or simply travelling around on holidays we ask that you take the time to stop whenever passing an Artillery piece and take some photographs and record the information provided alongside the gun (if any). Often detailed information is available upon request from the owner/caretaker, therefore if you have the time to ask your local RSL Club or Council if they have any historical information on the Artillery piece you have located, that information would prove invaluable in the recording of the Artillery piece. |
How can you help! Provide as much of the following as you can: |
Photograph the Artillery piece from front to back and both sides, include the breech block and any inscriptions or markings anywhere on the gun. Photograph any information boards that may be located next or close to the gun. Identify the location by including a full address i.e. name of state, city, suburb, street, park name and post code if known. Your opinion as to the overall condition of the gun would also be greatly appreciated. |
The photographs you provide along with the informaiton will be placed in the Australian Artillery Association's dedicated Photo Album for 'Gun Hunt' and the information will also be forwarded to the RAAHC to enable them to update their records. |
To enable you to photograph and record all this informaiton whilst out and about the Australian Artillery Association has provided an Online Form for you to complete that comes with an upload facility (suitable for PC, Mobile or Tablet device) for up to 5 photographs each of 4mb in size (if you have more than 5 photographs then simply resubmit the form any number of times.
To access the Online Gun Hunt Form - CLICK HERE |
See below the State by State Gun Hunt Photo Albums: |
View the Australian Artillery Association Gun Hunt Photo Album |