Australian Artillery Association Inc


Royal Australian Artillery


The official Journal of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery

First Publiahed in 1948

(in Book Flip Format)


The Royal Australian Artillery Liaison Letter (RAA LL) is the official journal of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery while Cannonball is the Journal of the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company (RAAHC). Both journals are currently published on a biannual basis in Autumn and Spring. The Editor invites, both serving Gunners and those from the wider Gunner community, to make a submission for publication in either of these journals.  

Publication of a submission is solely at the discretion of the Editor who will both acknowledge your submission upon receipt and notify you if your article will be published. In this vein contributions are encouraged across the following areas:

a. Professional Papers. Contributions from serving and retired members are welcome. While there has previously been a focus on recording recent operational experiences, contributions are encouraged on any relevant topic affecting the RAA. Indicative length is 1500-2000 words however all contributions will be considered favourably for publication.
b. Book Reviews. Readers are invited to contribute reviews of books that have a military theme or are relevant to matters affecting the RAA.
c. Letters to the Editor. Individuals are encouraged to express their views on any ‘Gunner’ topic provided the views are constructive and add to or inform debate.
d. National, State, Unit and Sub-unit Associations. Associations are invited to provide updates on recent and future activities. All Associations are also requested to review the contact list in Liaison Letter and provide the editor with any amendments.
e. Future Events Forecast. The RAA is keen to publish future activities in Liaison Letter. Consequently, it is requested that all Regiments, Associations, and other stakeholders provide dates for key events (e.g. Gunner dinners, major unit activities, reunions).
f. History and Heritage. Submissions are sought on any topic of an RAA historical nature including customs & traditions,

Format for Submissions to Liaison Letter and Cannonball

Submissions should be provided electronically as follows:

g. Text is to be provided in Microsoft Word format.
h. Photographs are ideally to be in JPEG format (although the Editor will accept any format):
  (1) If submitting an article/paper in ‘Word’ with embedded photographs, it is requested that if possible copies of each photo are also provided separately as JPEG files.
  (2) If providing a hard copy, the original should be of suitable condition to facilitate high quality scanning (photographs will be returned if requested).
i. Security Classification. The RAA Liaison Letter is an ‘Official’ publication.  It is the responsibility of individual contributors to ensure the content of submissions are classified no higher than ‘Official’ and, where appropriate, have been cleared prior to being submitted to the Editor.

This online facility is provided for you to upload documents, photographs, imagers to a maximum of 5 files each of 4mb totalling 20 mb.  If you have more then simply use the online facility to submit Part 2, Part 3 etc.

Your collective contributions will add to the rich tapestry of Gunner history and heritage and will inform the broader Gunner community of activities of the serving Regiment. They will ensure that these journals will live on long into the future, be relevant to the greater Gunner community and appreciated by all.  

To make a submission CLICK HERE

      2023 Edition
Special Queen Elizabeth II Banner Edition 2022 Special 150th Anniversary Edition 2021 Edition 1 - 2021 Winter 2020
Summer 2019 Winter 2019 Winter 2018 Spring 2017
Autumn 2017 Autumn 2016 Spring 2015 Autumn 2015
Spring 2014 Autumn 2014 Spring 2013 Autumn 2013
Spring 2012 Autumn 2012 Spring 2011 Autumn 2011
Spring 2010 Autumn 2010 Spring 2009 Aujtumn 2009
Spring 2008 Autumn 2008 Spring 2007 Autumn 2007
Spring 2006 Autumn 2006 Spring 2005 Autumn 2005
Spring 2004 Autumn 2004 Spring 2003 Autumn 2003
2002 2001 2000 1998 - 1999
1997 1996 1993 1992 - Edition 1
1991 - Editioon 1 1990 1988 - Edition No 2 1988 - Edition No 1





RAA Liaison Letter / Cannonball - Submission


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